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Harnessing Transparency for Ambitious NDC Implementation in Central Asia

General Information The increasing impacts of climate change in recent years have forced countries around the world to take decisive and ambitious action.
The Central Asian region consisting of five states: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan share a similar climate and a number of common challenges. All the countries are actively developing policies and strategies to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions While this trend is encouraging, the effectiveness of these policies depends on their full implementation.
Consistently monitoring the progress of this diverse range of climate policies and strategies is a challenge for governmentals, advocates and policymakers.
Reporting progress within the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and the United Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will play a pivotal role in ensuring the successful execution of both the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. Transparency is the foundation of effective climate action. It is the linchpin that connects commitments to tangible progress, allowing countries to not only get their intentions right but also to take responsibility for realizing those goals.
To support Central Asian countries in working towards achieving their INDCs and to build sustainable transparent frameworks, in 2021 the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia, with funding from ICAT, launched the Regional Climate Action Transparency Hub, which aims to build capacity and establish a network to support Central Asian countries in their efforts to develop sustainable and comprehensive transparency and MRV (measurement, reporting and verification) systems that will enable countries to more objectively approach the process of developing policies and measures to address climate change, including through the establishment of a regional climate action network.
The ReCATH project also aims to create a sustainable network of experts and stakeholders to share experiences and address priorities.
By communicating openly about their intentions, methodologies and progress, countries lay the foundation for sharing experiences and acting together. Transparency builds trust between countries, fostering collective commitments to address the global climate crisis.
It provides a basis for peer review, allowing for the sharing of knowledge, best practices and identifying areas for improvement.
Each region, with its socio-economic, geographical and climatic peculiarities, requires a customized approach.
Central Asian countries, realizing the uniqueness of their conditions, have embarked on a path of innovation.
They are developing methodologies that meet their specific challenges and unlock the potential for maximum impact.
In this context, the Republic of Kazakhstan, a signatory to the Paris Agreement, has made significant commitments to combat climate change.
Under the agreement, Kazakhstan has pledged to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase resilience to climate impacts and promote sustainable development.
This includes efforts to transition to a low-carbon economy, improve energy efficiency and invest in renewable energy.
In 2023, Kazakhstan submitted its Nationally Updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) where it updated its commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.
To support Central Asian countries in working towards achieving their INDCs and to build sustainable transparent frameworks, in 2021 the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia, with funding from ICAT, launched the Regional Climate Action Transparency Hub, which aims to build capacity and establish a network to support Central Asian countries in their efforts to develop sustainable and comprehensive transparency and MRV (measurement, reporting and verification) systems that will enable countries to more objectively approach the process of developing policies and measures to address climate change, including through the establishment of a regional climate action network.
The ReCATH project also aims to create a sustainable network of experts and stakeholders to share experiences and address priorities.
Objectives of the Side event Important objectives of this meeting are to increase stakeholder involvement in the decision-making process, to ensure awareness of ReCATH project activities in the region as well as to present Kazakhstan INDC and CA countries progress in preparing for the delivery of the first BTR.

In particular, the following topics will be presented:

  • Presentation of the work of the ReCATH project in the region;
  • Presentation of the NDC of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Updating the information on BTR preparation from CA countries;
  • Discuss progress and challenges in preparing Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs)
  • Foster regional collaboration and partnerships for effective climate action.


December 03 - 16:45
December 03 - 18:15
Opening Day
Blue Zone

Climate & Environment


Regional environmental centre for Central Asia and Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan

COP guide 2023