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Progress in establishing the national transparency systems in Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus: challenges and opportunities


Properly constructed, national systems for transparency in Central Asia can improve domestic policymaking, create efficiencies in climate actions, and bolster support for international climate finance.
Internationally, one of the key pillars of the Paris Agreement, is the Enhanced Transparency Framework as set in Article 13, which requires countries to provide national Greenhouse Gas Inventories and information necessary to track progress made in implementing and achieving its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) as well as encourages them to provide information related to climate change and adaptation and information on, technology transfer, capacity building, and support needed and received.

Over the recent years, the support on transparency has increased for the countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus.

Capacity building initiatives from GEF via FAO national CBIT projects, ICAT/CAREC ReCATH regional project and global CBIT-GSP initiative for transparency aim to support the non-Annex 1 parties in developing their capacities to build and manage a robust, transparent framework that allow them to effectively implement the Paris Agreement and facilitates the transition of countries to the new reporting requirements under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF).

The countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus evolved to the stage when the national, global and regional projects on capacity building for transparency entered an implementation phase, bringing lessons learned and achievements, which look forward for future activities.

The countries have gained the experience on various areas of reporting and can definitely share their knowledge and skills as well as with challenges they are facing in transitioning towards ETF.

Objectives of the Side event The main objective of the side event is to share knowledge on progress the countries of Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus made so far on establishing the national transparency systems and transitioning towards ETF.

Other objectives include:

  • Introduce key supporting agencies on climate transparency in the region and learn on their support on capacity building for transparency in the next years.
  • Engage with the main stakeholders in the area of transparency and climate reporting and learn from each other.
  • Foster regional collaboration and partnership for effective climate action transparency.


December 04 - 15:00
December 04 - 16:30
Opening Day
Blue Zone

Mitigation Collaboration Climate & Environment


Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia

COP guide 2023