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Loss and damage across humanitarian action and development: from response to resilient recovery

The most vulnerable people, communities and countries are confronting escalating climate-related losses and damages.
As we grapple with the increasing frequency and intensity of climate-induced disasters, the need for resources to support vulnerable communities facing irreparable losses and damages is more critical than ever.
While the role and limits of humanitarian actors responding to loss and damage has been explored through the Transitional Committee, the creation of a loss & damage fund could benefit from lessons across the humanitarian, development and peace nexus.
The event will explore learning, opportunities and practical actions to overcome barriers and strengthen coherence, coordination and alignment from preparedness and response to resilient recovery from climate-induced disasters. 

Loss and damage is a multifaceted issue that spans across various domains, from humanitarian and development to peace elements.
While the complexity of the challenge can lead to siloed efforts, it also presents an opportunity for these domains to intersect and advance the nexus meaningfully.
This event will share valuable lessons and opportunities to overcome these barriers, fostering a greater degree of coherence in the loss and damage discourse.
The need for coherence in the loss and damage spectrum becomes particularly evident during the recovery phase, when humanitarian assistance transitions into longer-term development initiatives.
This event will delve into this critical phase, aiming to examine how we can enhance coherence across domains and ensure that recovery efforts improve resilience.
This event will bring together a diverse range of perspectives taking action and investing in breaking down the humanitarian, development and peace nexus silos for an effective response to climate impacts.
The discussion will hear directly from a community actor, to anchor national and global level decisions, grounded in local realities.
The panel will also be composed of developed and developing country members of the Transitional Committee on Loss and Damage as well as stakeholders from across the humanitarian, development, climate and peace sectors.


December 04 - 15:00
December 04 - 16:30
Opening Day
Blue Zone

Loss and Damage Fund Finance Economic Development Climate & Environment Adaptation


Mercy Corps, IFRC and Concern Worldwide

COP guide 2023