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Water and Nature Resilience in the Climate Era: Innovative, Holistic and Effective Governance

This session seeks to examine sustainable water and nature governance within an increasingly unstable climate.
Healthy ecosystems are vital for resilience and for guaranteeing human rights.
Water is integral to all ecosystems, catalyzing economic growth and sustainable development.
Managing and restoring natural ecosystems entails transcending jurisdictional boundaries, breaking down siloed methods, and removing barriers to inclusive, multi-sectoral cooperation.
Effective, inclusive water governance is crucial for water security and safe drinking water for all.
Participation is central to water and nature governance.
Therefore, this session will explore how youth and indigenous communities' involvement can enhance resilience and address structural inequalities

Water Youth Network, https://www.wateryouthnetwork.org/
Arup, https://www.arup.com/
Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS), https://iihs.co.in/
Climate Resilient Infrastructure Development Facility (CRIDF), https://cridf.net/
UN-Water, https://www.unwater.org/
GWP, https://www.gwp.org/

More Info Register


December 03 - 12:00
December 03 - 13:00
Opening Day
Blue Zone



Resilience Hub
+243 826133575

COP guide 2023