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The financial system and the quest for net-zero

To make 1.5 *C viable the world has to halve emissions by 2030 and mobilize decarbonisation investment of over 1 USD trillion per annum. This 3rd industrial revolution, like every other such revolution in the past, will radically change economic landscapes. Guided by the best available science, private and public financial institutions, as well as their regulators, have key roles to play both in preparing for these changes, and in enabling them. Scientific scenarios are a key tool and provide essential links between policymakers, regulators, financial institutions, and the climate science community. This session will discuss the forms in which these various parties can accelerate and augment cooperation towards net-zero. It will also go in-depth on the newest scenarios developed in conjunction with the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), a global group of supervisors and central banks seeking to promote financial sustainability and stability.


December 04 - 16:45
December 04 - 17:30
Opening Day
Blue Zone

Climate & Environment Collaboration Economic Development Energy transition Finance Mitigation



COP guide 2023