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Formal U.N. Side Event: Women Implementing Climate Justice Solutions to Mitigate and Adapt to the Climate Crisis

During this Formal U.N. Side Event -- Grassroots, Indigenous and frontline women, and representatives of global organizations, will present climate justice strategies and solutions, including forest and biodiversity protection, Indigenous rights, agro-ecology, renewable energy and a Just Transition, fossil fuel phase out and divestment, and protection of women land defenders. This event is hosted by the Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International.

Confirmed speakers to date:

  • Casey Camp Horinek (Ponca Nation), Ponca Nation Environmental Ambassador and WECAN Board Member, Turtle Island, USA

  • Lucy Mulenkei (Maasai), Executive Director, Indigenous Information Network, Kenya

  • Braulina Baniwa (Baniwa), Executive Director, National Articulation of Indigenous Women Ancestrality Warriors (ANMIGA), Brazil

  • Eriel Tchekwie Deranger (Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation), Executive Director, Indigenous Climate Action, Canada

  • Taily Terena (Terena Nation), Indigenous rights activist, WECAN Coordinator in Brazil, Brazil

  • Osprey Orielle Lake, Executive Director, Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN), USA

  • With special appearances by Sonia Guajajara, Minister of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil, and Célia Xakriabá, Federal Deputy to the Chamber of Deputies in Brazil.

More Info Register


December 05 - 16:45
December 05 - 18:15
Opening Day
Blue Zone

Adaptation Agriculture Climate & Environment Collaboration Economic Development Energy transition Finance Gender Gender equality Human Rights Indigenous peoples Mitigation Solutions


Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) International

COP guide 2023