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For Real Climate Resilience, We Need to Invest in Proximate Leaders and Proximate Solutions

Climate change is threatening food security, health, and well-being and exacerbating displacement for countries hardest hit by desertification, floods, rising sea levels, and other natural disasters. The East African region, for example, has been facing the worst drought in decades, predicted to impact over 36.1 million people in the Horn of Africa alone. Addressing these challenges require leaders rooted in their local geographic, social and political contexts. Those who develop locally relevant solutions and work collectively with the government, private sector and civil society are bringing about large-scale sustainable change.


On December 1st the “Business and Philanthropy Climate Forum” will mobilize global business leaders and philanthropists to discuss the COP28 Presidential Action Agenda and advance cross-sectoral initiatives around net zero and nature-positive goals. We seek to leverage these thematic sessions to foster a dialogue between donors and implementers to discuss locally-led and locally-designed climate solutions that help frontline communities and populations living in extreme poverty conserve the forests, develop sustainable livelihoods and build climate resilience.


The panel will be held at the COMIFAC Pavilion in the Blue Zone on 1 December from 1:00-2:30pm



December 01 - 13:00
December 01 - 14:30
Opening Day
Blue Zone

Climate & Environment Economic Development Indigenous peoples Solutions



COP guide 2023