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Climate Action for Resilient Livelihoods: Setting Pathways for Systemic Solutions

Climate-related disasters are increasingly affecting livelihoods in the world’s LDCs, SIDS, and African nations, disproportionately impacting vulnerable groups. Higher warming scenarios pose significantly higher risks, endangering livelihoods around the world. Current adaptation efforts need to be scaled up amidst limited resources to accelerate climate action and increased climate vulnerability.

This session will present ongoing initiatives from UN agencies that target enhanced resilience in livelihoods around the world and discuss on how comprehensive and systemic approaches could be developed and implemented. It will provide examples covering the adaptation cycle: assessment, planning, implementation and monitoring, from different locations and context around the world. These examples will reflect locally-led climate solutions focused on water, agriculture, coastal sectors, and community-based planning.

In addition to a Davos-style plenary, the session will host a world café, encouraging partnerships and networks between Parties and non-party stakeholders in the region, such as regional, national, and subnational governments, the private sector, investors, youth, academia, and indigenous communities.


December 08 - 11:00
December 08 - 13:00
Opening Day
Blue Zone

Adaptation Agriculture Climate & Environment Collaboration Food


United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU EHS)

COP guide 2023