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Climate Finance: Adaptation

Today the need for collective, urgent, and ambitious action on climate is clearer than ever before. According to the UNFCCC’s synthesis report of the technical dialogue of the first Global Stock-take, the world is not on track to meet the long-term goals of the Paris Agreement. While progress is observed in some areas, much more is needed now, on all fronts. We need to scale up and speed up the delivery of climate finance.

At COP26 the four multilateral climate funds (Adaptation Fund, Climate Investment Funds, Global Environment Facility and the Green Climate Fund) jointly committed to work together to accelerate the transition to a green, inclusive and resilient economy. This event brings together representatives from each of the funds to share details on systematically enhancing coherence, thereby simplifying and improving access across the funds, and to increase complementarity between the funds. Sectors will also shared the sectoral guidance, investment criteria and innovation to increase climate resilience.


December 08 - 15:15
December 08 - 16:45
Opening Day
Blue Zone



Green Climate Fund
+82 32 458 6059

COP guide 2023