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Advancing Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Climate Finance

The four climate funds of the Adaptation Fund (AF), Climate Investment Funds (CIF), Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Global Environment Facility (GEF)strive to contribute to addressing the challenges posed by climate change while strengthening their gender mainstreaming efforts throughout their operations. This is the first UNFCCC COP side event where AF, CIF, GCF and GEF gather together to share their experiences, knowledge, challenges and lessons learned related to promoting gender equality, with a view to uncovering the potential that the funds have in leveraging and learning from eachother’s strengths and comparative advantage.  This session will demonstrate the progress made and highlight key challenges in achieving gender-transformative change and empowering women in the funds’ efforts to address climate change, from policy to planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.

This forward-looking session aims not only to broaden understanding on the progress on gender equality and available support on gender-related work within the four funds, but also to have an interactive session between the speakers and audience to exchange views to further the goal of gender equality in climate finance.  


December 04 - 13:15
December 04 - 14:45
Opening Day
Blue Zone



Green Climate Fund
+82 32 458 6059

COP guide 2023