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Scaling up Climate Finance in Africa

This event will provide a comprehensive overview of funds and initiatives of the African Development Bank for supporting climate action, while promoting contributions and access. It will feature the achievements of the African Development Bank, its strategy and ambitions for climate action and achieving a sustainable, low-emissions and resilient economic development and green growth for Africa. The platform will be used to summarize new and transformative climate funds and initiatives and calls for pledges, as well as to provide an update on existing options for accessing climate funds. Information materials will be displayed and provided, specifically the brochure “Climate Finance matters”. Panelists from developed and developing countries and other MDBs will reflect on the funding options, funding gaps and their own activities in Africa, The event would be of interest to decision-makers from developed and developing country governments, CEOs of private sector climate technology and finance providers, philanthropies, climate action project developers and civil society organizations.

More Info


November 30 - 17:30
November 30 - 19:00
Opening Day
Blue Zone

Climate & Environment


European Investment Bank

COP guide 2023